dog or a towel Illusion

Sure enough, this is a photograph of a dog, lying on a towel or some sort of linens. Awfully tired, the poor doggy has closed his eyes for the afternoon and must be taking a short cat-nap. Or... umm.. dog nap I guess you would all it.
Notice how through years and years of evolution, this dog has learned how to blend in to his surroundings to be camaflauged from his predators - or more likely, just hidden enough to sneak away from the daily chores and take a well deserved nap.
Makes you want to go get one of these little babies, doesn't it? Well, this type of dog is called a Shar-Pei. Why not go adopt one, although they don't stay this cute and cuddly all their life! Alhtough they do make great pets!
gambar apaan ya???
funyyyyyyy lucccccccccccu bangets. ku pecintaa anjing loh mauuuuuuuuuu ambilin dunk
Anjing apaan itu fan qok lempeyar lempeyor...
Ada gambar yang lain gak,misal orang lagi mandi hehehe...
itu anjing apa kain itu funny.... lucu juga ya
itu guguk kak.. yain dehhh :D
saya pikir tumpukan kain :))
wah anjing ama selimut agak sama ya... hahaha
wow, itu anjing apa kucing
oh handuk
Saya sih pernah punya buldog. Tapi aneh baget sih anjing yg ini. Matanya aja gak keliatan. he..3x
this is really amazing.