A blog with some of the best photos of crazy photos, funny photos, workplace photos, safety photos, crazy pics, funny pics, weird pics, strange photos and weird photos. Some people get up to some seriously crazy things in their lives, and some strange stuff at their workplace. We will try to bring you the best of funny photos and crazy pics from the web. We hope you can have a bit of a laugh. Of course, if you like it, dont forget to show your friends. Its always good to share the fun.
cewek ya tuh fun
itu hantu ya???hahaha
mmm, untung suamiku bukan smoker, klo smoke yng keluar cewek seksi kaya gitu bisa saingan aq sama asap huhu
weee..gambarnya unik :D
wa lucu sob... terus berkarya yah...
weiiihh... keren euy.. Siiip
wow,,it's amazing^^
nice editing, cool smoke illusion
sotosop mode ON :D
but like real :D
nice sharing bro and keep posting ;)