Funny Crazy Room Office: No Breaks

Funny Crazy Room Office: No Breaks

Now I Just Nees A Fridge


Wah maksudnya apa tuh, apa biar bisa sekalian hek e..


Ini sih ngawur namanya. ha ha ha ^_^


bagus tuh...........
gak perlu ke wc


bisa upload ya sambil kerja,lebih efesien waktu. kerjaan selesai, perut selalu bersih ...


This has always driven me crazy. You go to the doctor, and a nurse throws you into one of the exam rooms. She flips one of those metal flags that is mounted at the top outside of the door - the flags are multicolored, like red, white, etc. I went to the doctor today, and the nurse put me in a room and as she exited, she flipped the red flag out, which was at the bottom. What the hell does this mean?


this is just wow.. what a creativity, your thinking is really awesome.


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