
Why I Was Fired From My Job At The Ice Cream Shop

Why I Was Fired From My Job At The Ice Cream Shop
I still think my dismissal from that job was for no good reason.

Funny Window illusion shutters in or out

Lazy way to walk kid

Lazy way to walk kid

Amazing Graffiti Art Painting: Batman Art

Amazing Graffiti Art Painting: Batman Art
Batman Art is inspiring

Funny Crazy People: Stupid Man in Rain

Stupid funny
BE stupid all the way to mall...

Really funny pictures-Dressing up the shadow

funny-pictures: Really funny pictures-Dressing up the shadow

Adult humor pictures-Hungry photographers

Adult humor pictures-Hungry photographers

Funny Animal Photo Picture - Giant Tortoise

Funny Picture - Giant Tortoise

Magic Body Paint

Magic Body Paint
Actors and clowns around the world have painted their faces--and sometimes bodies--for centuries, and continue to do so today. More subdued form of face paints for everyday occasions evolve into the cosmetics we know today.

Art Body Painting: Painted Garfield

A very cool kinda body painted Garfield.

Funny Crazy People Photo: Taxi Going Down

Funny Crazy People: Taxi Going Down

Natural Rock Formation?

Funny Illusion: Natural Rock Formation?

Grafity Cool Street Painting

Grafity Cool Street Painting

Funny: A Trippy Illusion

Funny: A Trippy Illusion

Comedy with shadows


The best bra for your girlfriend

The best bra for your girlfriend with your hands inside:
the best bra for your girlfriend

Elephant Painted Illusion

Painted Elephant Illusion
This is similar to the painted illusion, I previously done a Lady in the Smoke Illusion where a author has made a amazing painting on a old man's head to create a illusion, this is something similar to the painted illusion, A annnymous has made a fantastic painting on the hand which look like a Elephant. Thanks for author's for such a illusion.

Lady in the Smoke Illusion

I think the photographer must be very much alart to take this kind of pictures. The Smoke has producing a beautifull women.

Angry Biker Or Sad Rabbi Illusion?

Angry Biker or Sad Rabbi illusion
Mind to tell me what do you see in the first illusion picture. Angry biker or sad rabbi? It all depends on how do you see the picture above. The left hand side picture showing the angry biker but the right hand side showing sad rabbi.

dog or a towel Illusion

Is this really a dog, or a towel?
Cute Dog and Towel Illusion

Sure enough, this is a photograph of a dog, lying on a towel or some sort of linens. Awfully tired, the poor doggy has closed his eyes for the afternoon and must be taking a short cat-nap. Or... umm.. dog nap I guess you would all it.

Notice how through years and years of evolution, this dog has learned how to blend in to his surroundings to be camaflauged from his predators - or more likely, just hidden enough to sneak away from the daily chores and take a well deserved nap.

Makes you want to go get one of these little babies, doesn't it? Well, this type of dog is called a Shar-Pei. Why not go adopt one, although they don't stay this cute and cuddly all their life! Alhtough they do make great pets!

Leafs Movement Illusion

Is that Leaf are Moving?
Leat Movement Illusion
This is similar to the Moving illusion, the leaf are designed so Amazingly which looks like Moving Constantly, when you look at the leaf which designed in the first row at that time leaf which designed in the second row it will appears to rotate slowly and when you look at the second row's leaf then the first row's leaf appears to rotate slowly.

Cloned infant funny picture

Cloned infant funny pictureStories Funny Funniest Pictures Humor
Title: Cloned infant funny picture
You have to wonder what is going on in the mind of this lovelySearch More
With Query: lovely
babySearch More
With Query: baby
! LOL.

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Funny Weird Kid’s Slide

Weird Kid\'s Slide

Here’s a fun way to scrapeSearch More Fun
With Query: Scrape
your way downSearch More Fun
With Query: Down
the slideSearch More Fun
With Query: Slide

Crying Child

Crying ChildCrying Child and his crying doll

Funny Fat Belly Dancing Girl

Stories Funny Funniest Pictures Humor
Title: Funny Fat Belly Dancing Girl


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